Module 01. Lesson-01-Let The Journey Begin
Lesson-02-Why Learn Python
Module-02 Lesson-00-Environment Setup
Lesson-01-Run Your First Program
task_1 fun with python
Lesson-02-Introduction To Colab
task_2 Calculate using python
Module-03 Lesson-01-Introduction To Variable
Lesson-02-Variable Declaration
Task_1 Print your name
Module-04 Lesson-01-Arithmetic Operator
Task_ 1 thinking number
Module-05 Lesson-01-Assignment Oparetor
task_1 swap numbers
Module-06 Lesson-01-Relational Oparetor
Task_1 Find relations
Module-07 Lesson-01-Logical Oparetor
Task_1 Print the outputs
Module-08 Lesson-01-Python Condition
Task_1 Even or Odd
Lesson-02-Grade Calculator Using Python Condition
Task_2 Leap Year
Task_3 Check the value
Module-09 Lesson-01-While Loop In Python
Task_1 Multiplication Table
Lesson-02-For Loop In Python
Task_2 Sum of natural numbers
Task_3 Sum of all even numbers
Module-10 Lesson-01-Nested Loop In Python
Task_1 Print the table
Lesson-02-Nested Loop Using While Loop
task_2 Print the pattern
task_3 Print the pyramid
Module-11 Lesson-01-Create A Guessing Game(Project-01)
Practice Project_ 1
Module-12 Lesson-01-Input In Python
Task_1 Area of a circle
Lesson-02-Practice Input In Python
task_2 positive or negative
task_3 Check prime number
Module -13 Lesson-01-Function In Python
Task_1 Area of a circle
Lesson-02-Function In Python. Part-II
task_2 positive or negative
task_3 Check prime number
Module-14 Lesson-01-Recurssion In Python
Task_1 Area of a circle
Lesson-02-Factorial In Recursion
task_2 positive or negative
Lesson-03-Fibonacci Using Recursion
task_3 Check prime number
Module-15 Lesson-01-Exception Handling
Task_1 Print the error
Module-16 Lesson-01-Module In Python
Task_1 Emoji Generator
Module-17 Lesson-01-YouTube Video Downloader(Project-02)
Practice Project_ 2
Module-18 Lesson-01-Mail Sender(Project-03)
Practice Project_ 3
Module-19 Lesson-01-Meal Suggest(Project-04)
Practice Project_ 3
Module-20 Lesson-01-Python Data Types
Practice Project_ 4
Module-21 Lesson-01-Boolean Data Type
Task_1 Same numbers
Module-22 Leassion 01 String In Python
Task_1 Vowels
Lesson-02-String Slicing
Task_2 String
Lesson-03-String Modification In Python
Task_3 Reverse String
Lesson-04-Pyhton String Concatenation
Task_4 Palindrome
Lesson-05-Escape Character (String)
Task_5 String 2
Module-23 Lesson-01-List In Python
Task_1 list
Lesson-02-How To Access List Element In Python
Task_2 index and item
Lesson-03-How To Add New Elements To The List
Task_3 Find element
Lesson-04-List Comprehension In Python
Task_4 Reverse list
Lesson-05-How To Sort List Elements
Task_5 Swap items
Lesson-06-List Methods
Task_6 Multiply list items
Task_7 Sort the list
Module-24 Lesson-01-Tuple vs List In Python
Task_1 Create a tuple
Lesson-02-Convert List To Tuple
Task_2 Reverse tuple
Module-25 Lesson-01-Introduction to Set
Lesson-02-How To Update Set In Python
Task_1 Create a set
Lesson-03-Set Methods
Task_2 Remove item
Module-26 Lesson-01-Introduction To Dictionary In Python
Task_1 Dictionary
Lesson-02-Add & Remove Item In Dictionary
Task_2 Dictionary 2
Lesson-03-Loop Through Dictionary
Task_3 Dictionary 3
Lesson-04-Nested Dictionary
Task_4 Dictionary 4
Module-27 Lesson-01-Intro To OOP In Python
Task_1 OOP 1
Lesson-02-Class & Object Example
Task_2 OOP 2
Lesson-03-Inheritance In Python
Task_3 Sort the list
Lesson-04-Encapsulation In Python
Task_4 OOP 4
Lesson-05-Plymorphism In Python
Task_5 OOP 5
Lesson-06-Abstraction In Python
task_6 OOP 6
Module-28 Lesson-01-Project-5-Calculator Using OOP
Practice Project_ 5
Module-29 Lesson-01-Project-06-Food Ordering Systen Using OOP
Practice Project_ 6
Module-30 Lesson-01-What Is Next
Lesson-02-Career Guideline
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